Clarity & Confidence

Looking to find your new direction? These offers will offer you guidance and help you to find clarity and confidence so you can move into a new chapter feeling supported, structured and joyful.


A 90-minute Coaching Session and Personalised Human Design + Astrology Report to help you understand your unique energy and how you can practically implement this knowledge for an easier, more successful life.

If you are ready to get clarity on your purpose and career, this is for you.


A three month 1:1 coaching container for women at a crossroad looking for purpose-led direction, committed self-trust and authentic self-confidence so that they can move into a new chapter that feels supportive, structured and joyful.


Using a combination of Tarot and Oracle Cards to tap into the current energies and help you gain clarity around the answers you are looking for.

I use my intuition to provide you with personalised guidance so you can best implement the messages and move forward feeling empowered, clear and calm.